Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Still Waiting to Hear about Court Date

Well, time is ticking on, and we are still waiting to hear about Teagan's court date. Definitely getting harder since we know who our baby is and we are just waiting for the details to happen so that we can be together as a family. Hopefully, we will hear soon, or maybe the court date has been scheduled already and we missed the email notification! One can hope, right!:-)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We received pictures yesterday from one of the couples that travelled to pickup their little girl in Ethiopia last week. Thanks, Melissa G! Best Christmas present ever! It means so much that Melissa and Ryan and Melissa and Scott took the time to take pictures and video for us while there! We are grateful! It feels so good to know where Teagan is right now and that she is being well taken care of and that she is growing and doing well. Hold on, little one, we will be together soon, hopefully very soon. Hopefully, this week, we will hear when your case will go to court and we will be one step closer to being together as a family!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Court Filings

Heard from our agency that they filed for court for us on Thursday, Dec. 11th. They post the court dates of the family outside the courtroom every Thursday. Ours was not posted yesterday, but hopefully will be posted by next Thursday, December 18th. That would be the best Christmas present, ever, to know that Teagan's court case is moving along and that it won't be long until we can hold and snuggle her. Our agency anticipates a court date approximately Mid to late February--hoping that it might be sooner.