Friday, November 14, 2008

"American Baby" Has Arrived!!!!

11/14/08----1:39 P.M.---She is beautiful! I went over to Ray’s office to view the pics and we were knocked over. She is beautiful. I knew, just like I knew when I saw our son’s picture for the first time that this was our baby—I just knew it! Immediately, I wanted to go grab her and snatch her up from Ethiopia….just like I did when we saw him. I wanted to hop the next plane to Guatemala…Now, I want to hop the next plane to Ethiopia!


meg said...

what?!?!?! details!!! how old is she???

congrats!! what a wondeful weekend present!!!

Sheryl said...

6 mths! She is beautiful! Kind of knew about her the other day. Long story...they just got pics and medical today, though, and sent it to us...I am so excited I can't stand it!

Holly Scheuren said...


meg said...

how very wonderful! 6 months! yay!

meg said...

you better post this on BFAS...before angela has a heart attack!! did you read her last post!?!?! hehe

Stephanie said...

Congratulations!! Amazing news!